Sold Archive

If you are interested in commissioning a reproduction of a previously sold piece or having a custom design made specially for you please check out my Custom & Commission Inquiries page.
Large Lottery Dreamin' Bead Curtain by Noorann MattiesLarge Lottery Dreamin' Bead Curtain by Noorann Matties Charm DetailSmall Baby Blue and Pink Bluebell Bead Curtain by Noorann MattiesSmall Lilac and Yellow Bluebell Bead Curtain by Noorann Matties angled detailSmall Yellow and Royal Blue Bluebell Bead Curtain by Noorann MattiesSmall Bright Blue and Red Bluebell Bead CurtainSmall Red and Yellow Bluebell Bead CurtainMini Charmed Red Rose Bead CurtainSmall Orange Tri-Blue Ohio Star Bead CurtainSmall Yellow Multicolor Ohio Star Bead Curtain